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European Route E9 is a Class-A north-south intermediate road featured in the Euro Truck Simulator 2 Vive la France! DLC which crosses central France.

Route Description

European Route E9
Country Road Feature Description ↓km↓
Flag of France.png France A71 Map icon Autobahn crossing.svg 0
Map icon Autobahn exit.png Exit to Saint-Laurent 45
Gas ico.png Parking ico.png Aire du Bois de Bailly / Aire du Bois du Télégraphe 58
Map icon Autobahn crossing.svg TOTSO 81
A20 Road toll ico.png Parking ico.png Toll gate 87
Map icon Autobahn crossing.svg 108
Gas ico.png Parking ico.png Aire de Boismandé 195
Map icon Autobahn crossing.svg 242
Map icon Autobahn exit.png Exit to Limoges 267
Map icon Autobahn exit.png Minor road to Map icon companies.svg (Limoges) 299
Map icon Autobahn exit.png A89 E70 to Clermont-Ferrand 324
Map icon Autobahn exit.png A89 E70 to Bordeaux 338
Road toll ico.png Parking ico.png Toll gate 348
Gas ico.png Parking ico.png Aire jardin des Causses du Lot 422
Map icon Autobahn exit.png A62 E72 to Bordeaux 476
A62 Map icon Autobahn exit.png Exit to Gagnac-sur-Garonne 494
Road toll ico.png Parking ico.png Toll gate 505
Map icon Autobahn exit.png A620 to Toulouse 512
A61 Map icon Autobahn exit.png A620 E80 to Lacq 554
Road toll ico.png Parking ico.png Toll gate 566
Gas ico.png Parking ico.png Aire de Toulouse-Sud 579
Map icon Autobahn end.svg A61 E80 continues east 593

In real-life, the E9 continues further south to the border with Spain, eventually terminating at Barcelona, but this section of road is not rendered in-game.

See also