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Not to be confused with Burgas, Bulgaria or Burgos, Spain.

Bourges is a small city in France that is featured in the Vive la France! map expansion for Euro Truck Simulator 2.



Bourges is divided into two parts: The southwestern part of the city, which is only an industrial area, includes a Globeur depot and a service shop. The other part features a Gomme du Monde depot and a small Renault dealer. In addition, there is a Dans le Jardin farm to the northeast as well as a Nos Pâturages farm to the northwest of the city.

The accessible part of Bourges with the Gomme du Monde depot in the game is actually not a part of Bourges, it belongs to Saint-Doulchard in real-life. The main street of the in-game Bourges is the "Route d’Orléans".


Two highways (Autoroutes) and two minor roads connect Bourges with other cities:

  • The A20 starts to the north of the city and goes southwest towards Limoges.
  • The A71 passes the city to the west. The next city along this road is Clermont-Ferrand to the south, while it joins the A10 to the north.

One minor road goes to the west from Bourges, connecting the city with it's Nos Pâturages farm, Saint-Laurent, the A10 and finally with Nantes. The other minor road goes through the city, crosses the A6 and joins the A31 between Metz and Dijon.

Nearby Towns




See also