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 Note: This page contains only information about E90 in Euro Truck Simulator 2!

European Route E90 is a Class-A east-west reference road which crosses Southern Europe, and is featured in Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Route Description

Due to some roads not being rendered in-game, the E90 is split into three separate sections.

European Route E90 – Iberia
Country Road Feature Description ↓km↓
Flag of Portugal.png Portugal A2 Map icon city.svg Lisboa 0
Map icon city.svg Exit to Setúbal 0
A6 Map icon city.svg Exit to Cortiçadas de Lavre 0
Map icon city.svg Exit to Évora 0
Flag of Spain.png Spain A5 Map icon city.svg Badajoz 0
Map icon Autobahn crossing.svg A66 0
Map icon Autobahn crossing.svg N430 0
Map icon city.svg Exit to Almaraz 0
M40 Map icon city.svg Madrid 0
A2 Map icon Autobahn crossing.svg N234 0
Map icon city.svg Zaragoza 0
AP2 Map icon city.svg Exit to Lleida 0
AP7 0
B23 Map icon city.svg Barcelona 0

In real-life, a ferry carries travelers from Barcelona to Mazara del Vallo in Italy, but this is not included in-game, with the closeest equivalent being the ferry to Palermo.

European Route E90 – Sicily
Country Road Feature Description ↓km↓
Flag of Italy.png Italy A19 Map icon city.svg Palermo 0
A20 Map icon Autobahn crossing.svg Minor road 0
Map icon city.svg Messina 0

In real-life, the route continues onto the Italian mainland via the ferry to Villa San Giovanni, but instead follows roads leading down the southern coast if Italy rather than following the A2 north. The E90 is not rendered until further north with the Italy SS106 icon.png.

European Route E90 – Italy
Country Road Feature Description ↓km↓
Flag of Italy.png Italy Italy SS106 icon.png Map icon Autobahn crossing.svg Italy SS407 icon.png 0
Map icon city.svg Taranto 0

In real-life, the E90 continues further southeast to the Italian city of Brindisi, where a ferry then leads to Greece. From there, the route continues across northern Greece and through Turkey.

See Also