Release date
November 23, 2023
Update 1.49 is the twenty-ninth major update of American Truck Simulator , released on November 23, 2023.
Update 1.49 for American Truck Simulator brings in the Kenworth T680 Next-Gen as a brand new truck, Game Engine Enhancements, Kansas map expansion, Used Trucks dealership, the PACCAR technical center and Keybind Modifiers.
Formatting (Example)
No formatting (
Minor patch
Bold ( )
Latest version of the game in public branch
Italic ( )
Latest build of the game in the public beta branch
Underlined ( )
Feature update
Update 1.49
Released on February 6, 2024 .
Released on December 20, 2023 with a 37.6 MB update.
Disabled spawning of locomotive types other than steam locomotive in Winterland.
fixed: DLC Christmas - scs_box - box_xm21c - Deeply Frozen paintjob missing design
Fixed a possible game crash during gearbox changes on 5700xe.
Released on December 19, 2023
Christmas Winterland Event 2023 event was released with a 736.8 MB update that introduces Winterland .
Released on December 7th, 2023 alongside the Michelin Fan Pack DLC.
Released on December 5th, 2023 with a 1.4 MB update.
Changes to the executable file (amtrucks.exe)
Game: don't generate overly worn truck with low mileage
Game: hired drivers do not perform costly repairs of assigned trucks
Used trucks - Truck and trailer manager - fixed vehicle can be renovated multiple times in a row 0230822
Performance tweak - "engine: prevent artificial long frame after long frame caused by natural means"
Released on November 30, 2023 alongside Kansas map expansion and Farm Machinery DLC .
Released on November 24, 2023
Trip Advisor was not functioning correctly; it had issues.
However, the problem has been addressed and fixed.
0217907 - ok_gas_chem_distribution - Missing no-weather area
Released on November 23, 2023
Game Engine Enhancements [1]
HDR Skyboxes
New Weather Effects
Used Trucks [3]
Used Trucks will be available in the main menu taking you to a selection of trucks that are more budget-friendly compared to brand new vehicles. However, these used trucks come with some mileage and wear, which is indicated by their star rating and a separate window that provides a detailed breakdown of the damage to various parts.
Added in AUTO Headlights and High Beams options
Keybind Modifiers
Option to use a combination of the key and modifiers to bind an action. For example, you can now assign Shift + L to turn your lights.
New Special Transport DLC Cargoes & Kansas Routes
With the Kansas expansion, you'll be able to haul special cargo on 6 new routes, of which 4 are located within the state, but two of them will be a bit more special, as they start in Pueblo (CO) and lead to either Marysville (707 miles) or Dodge City (313 miles). You will also be able to transport the newly added 39-meter-long (over 129 feet) wind turbine blade and a massive articulated hauler.
1.49 Open Beta
game: hired drivers do not use too damaged trailers, also they repair truck and trailers only if seriously damaged.
0230417 - Oklahoma - I-44 - Holes in map)
0230418 - Oklahoma - US 69 - Bad placed trees)
0230132 - Colorado - Special Transport - Pueblo to Pueblo - Windblade Cargo - Rear escort advances in front of the truck)
0228199 - Special Transport - Colorado - Pueblo to Marysville - Problem with escort)
There are only things related to Kansas.
game: shown notice about used trucks dealer
game: show OK button in help message box
game: photo mod detects even far model children
game: data driven price ratios (vehicle real value), tweaked hard effects of damage
game: Bug 226008 - Fixed radio name truncation for non-latin characters.
game: used truck dealer vehicle preview updated background texture and shadow colors
game: unlock used truck dealer screen when some dealers are unlocked
game: send teaser mail for used trucks
game: restore wear when installing back removed accessory (230102)
game: show undrivable truck icon even for player (229586)
Fixed possible game crash (caliber_suv_premium_23/cargo/cargo).
game: lightning is enabled dynamically based on random chance
0229783 - used_trucks - trucks DLC's disabled on steam are still mounted and trucks appear in used dealer.
0228469 - used_trucks - Service - replace action multiple times
0229836 - Controls - Action conflict with route advisor
0229056 - Colorado - US 50 (east of Lamar) - Hole
0228874 - Montana - Havre - Prefab shifted onto road
0229047 - Texas - Del Rio - Prefab shifted onto road
0229554 - traffic.arrow_xt.ks - <ERROR> [model] Unknown look name 'ks_hw'*
0229182 - game crash after clicking in ui
and many fixes and improvements for Kansas.
0228480 - photo mode - random skyboxes
0228707 - Wyoming - Remove UI when Nebraska DLC not loaded
0228706 - Wyoming - Remove UI when Nebraska DLC not loaded
0229001 - Oklahoma - Invisible DLC WALL - wrong setting dlc guard
0229256 - Oklahoma - US 69 - Raised terrain
0229257 - Oklahoma - US 69 - Floating flowers
0229261 - Oklahoma - US 69 - Floating trees
0229258 - Oklahoma - US 69 - Floating tree
0229259 - Oklahoma - US 69 - Holes in map
0229260 - Oklahoma - US 69 - Hole in map
0022903 - dlc_nm - California - Santa Cruz, speed limits
0229008 - Oklahoma - remove dead end and invis wall
0229250 - Oklahoma - I-44 - Bad placed bollards
0228646 - Oklahoma - US 75 - Add invisible wall
0228648 - Oklahoma - US 75 - No weather area
0228649 - Oklahoma - US 75 - No weather area
0228770 - AI_combi - Reverse lights on when driving forward
game: tweaked assignment of stars by wear
Now it uses following scheme to assign stars:
5 stars: wear < 10%
4 stars: wear < 20%
3 stars: wear < 30%
2 stars: wear < 40%
1 star: wear >= 40%
0228476 - Maintenance Interface - When changing the engine the use is not restored
0228725 - used_trucks - Wrong amount paid for used truck
0228727 - used_trucks - Cutscene for first truck won't play
0228794 - Photo Mode - the controls disappear and the resource becomes unusable
Started on Oct 31, 2023
Game Engine Enhancements [4]
HDR Skyboxes
New Weather Effects
Used Trucks [5]
Used Trucks will be available in the main menu taking you to a selection of trucks that are more budget-friendly compared to brand new vehicles. However, these used trucks come with some mileage and wear, which is indicated by their star rating and a separate window that provides a detailed breakdown of the damage to various parts.
Added in AUTO Headlights and High Beams options
Keybind Modifiers
Option to use a combination of the key and modifiers to bind an action. For example, you can now assign Shift + L to turn your lights.
Used Trucks
Game Engine Enhancements