List of landmarks in Serbia

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This page lists real-world landmarks that can be seen in Serbia rendered in the Road to the Black Sea map expansion DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2, although the country is going to be accessible in the West Balkans map expansion in the future, only one landmark can be seen from Romania.

Landmarks are counted as any special features on the map designed to replicate a specific real-life equivalent, including but not limited to buildings and other structures, landforms, attractions, forms of art, famous signs, and unique rest stops.

Landmark list

Notes for the columns in the table:

  • Closest in-game city: The city or scenery town closest to the landmark in road distance.
  • Name of landmark: Actual name of landmark.
  • Name of landmark in local language(s): Actual local name of landmark in the country.
  • Image: An in-game screenshot depicting the landmark itself.
Closest in-game city Name of landmark Name of landmark in local language(s) Image
Belgrade Abandoned Vrbas Mill Напуштени Комбинат Врбас
Belgrade Vrbas Mill.png
Belgrade Apartments on Despota Stefana Boulevard Станови Булевар деспота Стефана
Belgrade Apartments.png
Belgrade Belgrade Flea Market Велетржници Београд
Belgrade Flea Market.png
Belgrade Green Residence Green Residence
Belgrade Green Residence.png
Belgrade Hotel Hedonic Hotel Hedonic
Belgrade Hotel Hedonic.png
Belgrade Karaburma Residential Tower Стамбена кула Карабурма
Also known as "The Toblerone."
Belgrade Karaburma Student Dormitory Студентски дом Карабурма
Belgrade Karaburma Student Dorms.png
Belgrade Orthodox Theological Faculty of the University of Belgrade Православни богословски факултет Универзитета у Београду
Belgrade University Theology.png
Belgrade Pančevo Bridge Панчевачки мост
Belgrade Pancevo bridge.png
Belgrade "Tripod" Cкулптура Трипод
Belgrade Tripod.png
Belgrade Youth Stadium Омладински стадион
Belgrade Youth Stadium.png
Monument to Fallen Soldiers of the Red Army Споменик палим борцима Црвене армије
Pancevo Red Army Monument.png
Pančevo Cross Панчевачки крст
Pancevo Cross.png
Batrovci border crossing Гранични прелаз Батровци
Located on the border with Croatia.
Motel Uzelac Motel Uzelac
Serbia A3 Motel Uzelac.png
Vatin border crossing Гранични прелаз Ватин
Located on the border with Romania.
Kragujevac Church of St. Sava Црква Светог Саве
Kragujevac St Sava Church.png
Kragujevac Fiat-Kragujevac Symbol of Cooperation Симбол сарадње Фијата и Крагујевца
Kragujevac Fiat Symbol.png
Kragujevac St. George's Cross Крст Светог Ђорђа
Kragujevac St George Cross.png
Monument to Fallen Fighters Споменик палим борцима
Paracin Fallen Fighters Monument.png
Međuvršje Hydroelectric Power Plant Xидроелектрана Међувршје
Meduvrsje Hydroelectric Plant.png
Radomir Antić Stadium Стадион Радомир Антић
Uzice Stadium.png
Užice Fire Station Ватрогасна станица Ужице
Uzice Fire Station.png
Užice Old Town Ужички град
Uzice Old Town.png
Monument to the Fallen Soldiers of the 1991-2001 Wars Cпоменик палим борцима у ратовима од 1991. до 2001. године
Located in Prijepolje north of the border with Montenegro.
Ovčar Banja Hydroelectric Power Plant Xидроелектрана Овчар Бања
Located west of Međuvršje.
Zlatar Lake Златарско језеро
Located north of the border with Montenegro.
Zlatar Lake Visitor Center Визиторском центру на Златарском језеру
Located north of the border with Montenegro.
Temple to the Holy Martyrs of Maccabee Храм Светих мученика Макавеја
Located at a rest stop between Paraćin and Boljevac.
Vrška Čuka border crossing Гранични прелаз Вршка Чука
Located on the border with Bulgaria.
Niš Mediana Archaeological Site Античко насеље Медијана
Nis Mediana Archaeological Site.png
Niš Miroslav Antić School Школа Мирослав Антић
Nis Miroslav Antic School.png
Niš Niš Constantine the Great Airport Аеродром Константин Велики Ниш
Nis Constantine Airport.png
Church of St. Procopius Црква Светог Прокопија
Prokuplje St Procopius Church.png
Jug Bogdanova 118 Југ Богданова 118
Prokuplje Apartment Tower.png
Prokuplje City Hall Зграда градске управе у Прокупљу
Prokuplje City Hall.png
Monument to the Toplica Uprising Споменик палим Топличанима у ратовима 1912—1918. године
Prokuplje Toplica Monument.png
Savićevac Савићевац
Built in honor of Dr. Aleksa Savić in 1931.
Preševo border crossing Гранични прелаз Прешево
Located on the border with North Macedonia.
Gradinje border crossing Гранични прелаз Градиње
Located on the border with Bulgaria.
Novi Sad Novi Sad entrance sign Знак за улаз у Нови Сад
Novi Sad entrance sign.png
Novi Sad Abandoned Azotare factory Напуштена фабрика Азотара
Novi Sad Azotare Factory.png
Novi Sad
Horgoš border crossing Гранични прелаз Хоргош
Located on the border with Hungary.
Reșița Tito Memorial Титов спомен парк
Only visible from Romania along the DN6.

See also