List of landmarks in Slovakia

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This page lists real-world landmarks that can be seen in Slovakia rendered in Euro Truck Simulator 2 and the Going East! map expansion DLC. Landmarks are counted as any special features on the map designed to replicate a specific real-life equivalent, including but not limited to buildings and other structures, landforms, attractions, forms of art, famous signs, and unique rest stops.

Landmark list

Notes for the columns in the table:

  • Closest in-game city: The city or scenery town closest to the landmark in road distance.
  • Name of landmark: Actual name of landmark.
  • Name of landmark in local language(s): Actual local name of landmark in the country.
  • Image: An in-game screenshot depicting the landmark itself.
Closest in-game city Name of landmark Name of landmark in local language(s) Image
Banská Bystrica Sliač Airport Letisko Sliač
20160820183603 1.jpg
Banská Bystrica Europa Shopping Center Europa Shopping Center
20160820191916 1.jpg
Banská Bystrica Church of Assumption of Virgin Mary Kostol Nanebovzatia Panny Márie
Front view
Side view
Banská Bystrica Town Castle Mestský hrad
20160820192413 1.jpg
Banská Bystrica

(Považská Bystrica)

Viaduct Považská Bystrica Estakáda Považská Bystrica
Považská Bystrica 2.jpg
Banská Bystrica


Bytča Bytča
20160820202753 1.jpg
Banská Bystrica


Žiar nad Hronom Žiar nad Hronom
A view to North-West
A view to South-East.
Banská Bystrica

(Žiar nad Hronom)

Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross(?) Kostol Povýšenia svätého Kríža
Ziar holy cross church ets2.png
Banská Bystrica


Pitelová / Veľká Skalka / Malá Skalka / Skalica / Kečka Tunnel Tunel Pitelová / Veľká Skalka / Malá Skalka / Skalica / Kečka
This railway tunnel represents several consecutive railway tunnels located in the area northeast of Žiar nad Hronom.
Banská Bystrica


Mýtna Water Dam Vodná nádrž Mýtna
20160820170750 1.jpg
Banská Bystrica


Zvolen Zvolen
20160820183215 1.jpg
Banská Bystrica


Strečno Castle Strečniansky hrad
20160820201052 1.jpg
Banská Bystrica


Orava Castle Oravský hrad
Orava Castle ETS2.jpg
Banská Bystrica


Ružomberok Ružomberok
20160820200420 1.jpg
Banská Bystrica


Bešeňová Water Park Vodný park Bešeňová
Besenova ets2.png
Banská Bystrica


Liptovská Mara Liptovská Mara
20160820141249 1.jpg
Bratislava Aupark Tower Aupark Tower
Aupark Tower.jpg
Bratislava Bratislava Castle Bratislavský hrad
Bratislava Castle.png
Bratislava Incheba Expo Incheba Expo
Incheba Expo.jpg
Bratislava Kamzík TV Tower Televízna veža na Kamzíku
Kamzik TV Tower.png
Bratislava National Council Národná rada
Bratislava Council.png
Bratislava Port of Bratislava Prístav Bratislava
Prístav Bratislava.jpg
Bratislava RTVS Building Budova tvorby programu RTVS
TV Budova.jpg
Bratislava Sitina Tunnel Tunel Sitina
Southern entrance
Northern entrance
Bratislava SNP Bridge Most SNP
Nový Most.jpg
Bratislava St. Martin's Cathedral Katedrála svätého Martina
Bratislava Cathedral.jpg


Beckov Castle Beckovský hrad
20160820211341 1.jpg


Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant Atómové elektrárne Bohunice
20160820213510 1.jpg


Gaspipe Bridge Plynový most
Note: This landmark is slightly misplaced. It is located near Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant, West of the D1 Motorway, while in reality it is East of it and a bit to the South.


Nitra Nitra
Nitra panorama.jpg


Zobor Transmitter
"The Pyramid"
Vysielač Zobor
Zobor transmitter ets2.png


Váhovce Váhovce


R1 Motorway Bridge over Váh river Most ponad Váh
Váh bridge R1.jpg


Senica Senica
20160820224208 1.jpg


Cerová Wind Farm Veterný elektráreň Cerová


Trnava Trnava
A view from east.
A view from north.
Košice St. Elisabeth's Cathedral Dóm svätej Alžbety
20160820150247 1.jpg
Košice Domincan Church Dominikánsky kostol
20160820153907 1.jpg
Košice Košice railway station Železničná stanica Košice
Kosice railway station.png
Košice U. S. Steel Košice U. S. Steel Košice
20160820152917 1.jpg


Branisko Tunnel Tunel Branisko
Western portal
Eastern portal


Spiš Castle Spišský hrad
20160820142720 1.jpg


Krásna Hôrka Castle Hrad Krásna Hôrka
20160820161319 1.jpg


Soroška Pass Soroška priesmyk
A restaurant depicted as a motel at the Western part of Soroška
An overview of a viewpoint at the Eastern end of the pass.


Dukla Pass Dukliansky priesmyk
Dukla Pass Memorial with the observation tower in the background to the right.
An overview of the pass.

See also