List of landmarks in Poland

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This page lists real-world landmarks that can be seen in Poland rendered in Euro Truck Simulator 2 and the Going East! map expansion DLC. Landmarks are counted as any special features on the map designed to replicate a specific real-life equivalent, including but not limited to buildings and other structures, landforms, attractions, forms of art, famous signs, and unique rest stops.

Landmark list

Notes for the columns in the table:

  • Closest in-game city: The city or scenery town pozclosest to the landmark in road distance.
  • Name of landmark: Actual name of landmark.
  • Name of landmark in local language(s): Actual local name of landmark in the country.
  • Image: An in-game screenshot depicting the landmark itself.
Closest in-game city Name of landmark Name of landmark in local language(s) Image
Białystok 36 Washington Street Ul. Waszyngtona 36
Bialystok washington.png
Białystok Archcathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Bazylika archikatedralna Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
Białystok Cathedral.png
Białystok Basilica of St. Roch Bazylika św. Rocha
Białystok St. Roch's Church.png
Białystok Church of the Holy Spirit Cerkiew Świętego Ducha
On the right.
Białystok Church of the Resurrection of the Lord Kościół Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego
On the left.
Białystok RTCN Krynice RTCN Krynice
Seventh tallest structure in Poland
Białystok Sanctuary of Divine Mercy Sanktuarium Miłosierdzia Bożego
Bialystok sanctuary.png
Augustów Canal Kanał Augustowski
Located north of Białystok.
Bielsk Podlaski Bielsk Podlaski
Located south of Białystok.
Bridge over the Bug River Most na rzece Bug
Located south of Bielsk Podlaski.
Gdańsk Main Town Hall Ratusz Głównego Miasta
Gdańsk Historical Museum.png
Gdańsk Mercure Hotel Hotel Mercure
Building on the left
Gdańsk Organika Trade Building Wieżowiec Organika Trade
Building on the right
Gdańsk St. Catherine's Church Kościół św. Katarzyny
Gdańsk St. Catherine Church.png
Gdańsk St. Mary's Basilica Bazylika Mariacka
Gdańsk St. Mary Church.png
Karlino Karlino
Located west of Gdańsk.
Poganice Bridge and Hydroelectric Power Plant Most i Elektrownia Wodna Poganice
Located west of Gdańsk.
Grzechotki border crossing Przejście graniczne Grzechotki
Located east of Gdańsk.
Katowice Altus Altus
Altus Katowice.png
Katowice Archcathedral of Christ the King Archikatedra Chrystusa Króla
Katowice Archcathedral of Christ the King.png
Katowice Francuska 70 Office Building
"RMF FM Skyscraper"
Biurowiec Francuska 70
"Wieżowiec RMF FM"
Katowice Post Office.png
Katowice Jaworzno Power Station Elektrownia Jaworzno
Katowice power plant.png
Katowice Provincial Office Building Biurowiec Wojewódzki
Katowice District Prosecutor's Office.png
Katowice Stalexport Stalexport
Katowice Silesian Medical School.png
Kraków John Paul II International Airport Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy im. Jana Pawła II
Kraków Airport.png
Kraków K1
"The Bluebird"
Kraków K1.png
Kraków St. Joseph's Church Kościół św. Józefa
Kraków St. Joseph's church.png
Kraków St. Mary's Basilica Bazyliką Mariacką
Kraków Basilica Sacred Heart.png
Kraków Town Hall Tower Wieża ratuszowa
Kraków Wawel Cathedral.png
Kraków Water Tower Wieża Ciśnień
Krakow Water Tower.png
Alvernia Studios Alvernia Studios
Located west of Kraków on the way to Katowice.
Bridge over the Dunajec Most na Dunajcu
Zglobice bridge.png
Brzuchania Meteorological Radar Radar Meteorologiczny Brzuchania
Located north of Kraków.
Chęciny Royal Castle Zamek Królewski w Chęcinach
Located north of Kraków.
Łódź Archcathedral Basilica of St. Stanislaus Bazylika archikatedralna św. Stanisława Kostki
Łódź Archcathedral Basilica of St. Stanislaus.png
Łódź EC-2 Heat and Power Plant Elektrociepłwnia EC-2
Lodz EC2.png
Łódź Orion Business Tower Orion Business Tower
In the middle
Łódź Post Office Skyscraper Wieżowiec Urzędu Pocztowego
On the right
Łódź Red Tower Red Tower
On the right
Łódź Śiródmieście Residential District Śiródmiejska Dzielnica Mieszkaniowa
Lodz sdm.png
Łódź Textile Center Skyscraper Wieżowiec Centrali Tekstylne
On the left
Łódź ZUS Skyscraper Wieżowiec ZUS
On the left
Lublin Archcathedral of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist Archikatedra św. Jana Chrzciciela i św. Jana Ewangelisty
On the left.
Lublin Church of the Conversion of St. Paul Kościół Nawrócenia św. Pawła
Lublin Church of the Conversion of St. Paul.png
Lublin City Hall of Lublin Urząd Miasta Lublina
Lublin City Hall.png
Lublin Krakow Gate Brama Krakowska
Lublin Krakowska Gate.png
Lublin Lublin-Raabego Radio and Television Broadcasting Center Radiowo Telewizyjny Ośrodek Nadawczy Lublin-Raabego
Lublin Kaplica.png
Lublin Rectorate of Marie Curie-Skłodowska University Rektorat Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
Lublin Faculty of Economics of UMCS.png
Lublin Trinitarian Tower Wieża Trynitarska
On the right.
Bridge over the Vistula Most na Wisłe
Located southwest of Lublin.
Iłża Iłża
Located southwest of Lublin.
Iłża Castle Zamek w Iłży
Ilza castle.png
Ignacy Mościcki Bridge Most im. Ignacego Mościckiego
Located west of Lublin.
Radom Radom
Located west of Lublin.
Bridge over the San River Most na Sanie
Located south of Lublin.
Wilkołaz Railway Viaduct Wiadukt kolejowy Wilkołaz
Located south of Lublin.
Olsztyn Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Kościół Najświętszego Serca Pana Jezusa
Olsztyn Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.png
Olsztyn Olsztyn New Town Hall Nowy Ratusz w Olsztynie
Olsztyn City Hall.png
Olsztyn Co-Cathedral Basilica of St. James the Apostle Bazylika konkatedralna św. Jakuba Apostoła
Olsztyn Concatedral Basilica St. James.png
Monument to the Defenders of Mława Pomnik Obrońców Mławy
Located south of Olsztyn.
Grudziądz Grudziądz
Inaccessible town west of Olsztyn.
Bronisława Malinowskiego Bridge Most im. Bronisława Malinowskiego
Poland bronislaw malinowski bridge.png
Mikołajki Mikołajki
Located east of Olsztyn.
Bezledy border crossing Przejście graniczne Bezledy
Located north of Olsztyn.
Poznań Andersia Tower Andersia Tower
Building on the left
Poznań Church of the Holy Savior Parafia Najświętszego Zbawiciela
Poznań Church of Holliest Savior.png
Poznań Collegium Altum Collegium Altum
Poznań Collegium Altum.png
Poznań Delta Office Building Biurowiec Delta
Poznan delta.png
Poznań Novotel / Ibis Poznań Centrum Novotel / Ibis Poznań Centrum
Novotel Poznań Centrum.png
Poznań Poznań Financial Centre Poznań Financial Centre
Building on the right
Świecko border crossing Placówka Straży Granicznej w Świecku
Border between Poland and Germany.
Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz
Located northeast of Poznań.
Osowa Góra Lock Śluza Osowa Góra
Located along the DK10.
Szczecin Archcathedral Basilica of St. James the Apostle Bazylika archikatedralna św. Jakuba Apostoła
Szczecin Cathedral.png
Szczecin Long Bridge Most Długi
Szczecin long bridge.png
Szczecin Pazim Pazim
Szczecin Polsteam.png
Szczecin Pomeranian Dukes' Castle Zamek Książąt Pomorskich
Szczecin Ducal Castle.png
Szczecin West Oder river West Oder
Szczecin West Oder river.png
Nowogard Nowogard
Located east of Szczecin.
Warszawa Atlas Tower Atlas Tower
Warszawa Millennium Plaza.png
Warszawa Chałubińskiego 8 Chałubińskiego 8
Warszawa Oxford Tower.png
Warszawa Góraszka Airfield Lądowisko Góraszka
Located southeast of the city along DK17.
Warszawa InterContinental Warsaw InterContinental Warszawa
InterContinental Warszawa.png
Warszawa LIM Center Centrum LIM
Warszawa Marriott hotel.png
Warszawa Łucka City and Prosta Tower Łucka City i Prosta Tower
Łucka City in the white building on the right and Prosta Tower is on the left side.
Warszawa Palace of Culture and Science Pałac Kultury i Nauki
Warszawa Palace of Culture and Science.png
Warszawa Rondo 1 Rondo 1
Warszawa Rondo 1.png
Warszawa Warsaw Financial Center Warsaw Financial Center
CMS Warszawa.png
Warszawa Warsaw Trade Tower Warsaw Trade Tower
Warszawa AXA Direct.png
Warszawa Złota 44 Złota 44
Warszawa Złota 44.png
Modlin Fortress Twierdza Modlin
Located northwest of Warszawa
Tupolev TU-134 Tupolev TU-134
Located north of Warszawa (in Płońsk). Its real-life counterpart has been moved to another location.
Huta Zawadzka Viaduct Wiadukt Huty Zawadzkiej
Located west of Warszawa along the way to Łódź.
Wrocław Basilica of St. Elizabeth Bazylika św. Elżbiety
Wrocław Basilica of St. Elizabeth.png
Wrocław Collegiate Church of the Holy Cross and St. Bartholomew Kolegiata Świętego Krzyża i św. Bartłomieja
Wrocław Church of the Holy Cross.png
Wrocław Manhattan Manhattan
Wroclaw Manhattan.png
Wrocław Mieszczański Bridge Most Mieszczański
Wroclaw miesczanski.png
Wrocław Osobowickie Bridge Most Osobowickie
Wroclaw osbowickie.png
Wrocław Roman Dmowskiego Bridge Most im. Romana Dmowskiego
Wroclaw dmowskiego.png
Wrocław Sikorskiego Bridge Most Sikorskiego
Wroclaw sokorskiego.png


Lewin Kłodzki Viaduct Wiadukt w Lewinie Kłodzkim
Located south of Wrocław.


Bolków Castle Zamek Bolków
Located west of Wrocław at the junction of DK3 and DK5.

See also