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Marche is an Italian region, situated in the center of the country.


The region is bordered by Lazio to the southwest, Umbria to the west, Toscana to the northwest, Emilia-Romagna to the north, the Adriatic Sea to the east, and Abruzzo to the south.

The capital of the region is Ancona.

Accessible Cities

City Name Image Remarks
Ancona Ancona view.png Capital of Marche

There are three scenery villages in Marche:

Name Image Remarks
Camponocecchio Italy Village Camponocecchio.png
Falconara Italy Village Falconara.png Part of Ancona in-game
Pesaro Italy City Pesaro.png


  • On the first weeks after the initial release of the Italia map expansion, on the A14 at the border with the region Emilia-Romagna, a road sign said Abruzzo instead of Marche itself. This mistake was fixed with the following update.

See also