The Flood

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This city is in serious trouble due to heavy rainfall in the nearby mountains. Parts of the city report food and emergency supply shortages. This flooded area is deemed safe enough to pass with maximum care - try getting supplies to where they are needed the most.
~ In-game description.

The Flood is a level in the STDS dangerousdrives icon.png Dangerous Drives game mode of Scania Truck Driving Simulator.


The Flood is the third level in STDS dangerousdrives icon.png Dangerous Drives. The player must drive their truck in a mostly straight line through a flooded industrial park to make it to a raised, unflooded section of the city. The water and dim lighting can camouflage fallen trees and wooden planks partially blocking the route.

The level will fail if the trailer is disconnected through jackknifing.


The Flood is set in a flooded industrial park. The player begins on a highway off-ramp and upon driving through the flooded area, ends up at a raised, urban part of the city with crowds of onlookers rejoicing the player's arrival. Fallen trees, parked cars and various debris is scattered over the flooded roadway. A pervasive, wailing siren can be heard throughout the level.


Players are able to earn a maximum of 500 points in The Flood. Every mistake reduces the amount of points the player finishes the level with, to a minimum of 0 points.

Action Amount of Points Stackable?
borderless Challenge completed +300 Points No
borderless Exterior camera not used +200 Points No
borderless Exterior camera used +0 Points No
borderless Collisions with stuff around -100 Points Yes


  • In the level's preview, an altered blue version of the livery for the CROWD Direct Line trailer is seen. The Direct Line's livery in the final game is red.
  • The level's preview also implies that the Direct Line was a transportable trailer during development, whereas it is not in the final game.
