Euro Truck Simulator 2: Heart of Russia

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Euro Truck Simulator 2: Heart of Russia is an upcoming map expansion DLC for Euro Truck Simulator 2.


The DLC will feature the continuation of Russia, initially introduced in the Beyond the Baltic Sea map expansion.

Visit Russia, home to a rich cultural heritage and history. As the world's largest country by total area, Russia showcases a wide diversity of landforms, climate, and, well, everything.

Expand your travels to the east, stretching from the already explored Saint Petersburg in the Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC, further into the south and east. Visit the heart of Russia and admire its beauty full of breathtaking and sometimes even wild nature, just as well cities, where you can expect seeing stunning historic buildings from the recent and bygone times.

~ Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Heart of Russia Steam Store page[1]

Current postponement

The development of the Heart of Russia DLC at this moment is currently delayed and is under standstill of development due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. There was no official announcement from SCS Software regarding the development of Heart of Russia coming to a complete end, canceling the DLC. As of May 31, 2024, it is exactly unknown when the DLC will release.

History of its postponement

In the early days we were like, "maybe it will be over quickly". ... But it was definitely clear that we couldn't follow the planned track: To communicate further about the beauty of the territory of Russia. ... We had basically been in like a testing process; We were just tuning it, and now we've got this DLC in the drawer that we can't release at the moment. I can't find any excuse now, even if we donate all the income to Ukraine.
~ Pavel Šebor in an interview with Vortex

In an interview for the Czech gaming website Vortex on March 14, 2022, SCS Software PR and Marketing Manager Daniel Němec and CEO Pavel Šebor announced the indefinite postponement of the DLC due to Russia's invasion against Ukraine. Daniel explained in the interview that one group is telling the community the logics that SCS should release the DLC because the nature and the roads "are not to be blamed", and then Pavel stated that the name Heart of Russia was like an "emotionally charged name", which would sound like SCS is "provoking or hurting people" due to the current situation. Development of the DLC was "sensitive" for the team at that moment, although Pavel said that the team will finish the map expansion as normal but not release it.

We strongly believe that there is hope for the proud people of Ukraine to prevail and for the suffering to end for all. Injustice cannot and must not win. And, when the time comes for Ukraine to rebuild and heal, then we will endeavour to find a way for our Heart of Russia DLC to play whatever part it can in that healing process, for everyone.
~ SCS Software's blog[2]

In a blog post about the statement of the DLC on May 30, development of Heart of Russia was refrained until the situation ends and heal, however cancelation of the DLC was not indicated according to the statement nor clearly announced. The team also stated that the DLC was 6-8 weeks before completion, which means April 2022 would have been the approximate release month of the DLC. Confusingly, some news-related gaming sites, including PCGamesN and Eurogamer, define the status of the map expansion "canceled", which the definition was not officially mentioned by SCS.

Exactly two years after their statement of the DLC on May 30, 2024, SCS released the Renault E-Tech T along with a release trailer. In the video, some cities in Russia are accidentally mentioned in the job market, which included Volkhov, Arzamas (twice), Lodeynoye Pole, and Rybinsk. This indicated that Heart of Russia has not been purged from the game, and it remains under work in progress at the time. A day later on May 31, 2024, the trailer is now replaced with a new one, removing the cities mentioned in the DLC. Since then, the old trailer became private.

DLC Features

  • Explore the heart of Russia, Moscow, and beyond
  • Drive along and see amazing sights of the Volga and Oka rivers
  • Feel the spirit of Russian history driving through centuries-old cities and picking up cargo at modern depots
  • Get lost in the deep forests and in the open landscape of the European Plain

19 new industries were revealed on the game files of update 1.44 Open Beta:

Name Type Logo
All-Russian Glass Company
(Всероссийская стекольная компания)
Glass All-Russian Glass Company logo.png
Beaver Doses
(ДОЗ Бобр)
Forestry Beaver Doses logo.png
Furniture Dacha logo.png
Logistics Eskadra logo.png
Finist Logistics
(Логистика Финист)
Logistics Finist Logistics logo.png
Unknown Karkot logo.png
"Mammoth" Meat Processing Plant
("Мамонт" Мясокомбинат)
Meat processing Mammoth Meat Processing Plant logo.png
Metallurgy Muromets
(Металлургия Муромец)
Metal industry Metallurgy Muromets logo.png
Beverages Nectarine logo.png
Oil producing Novoneft logo.png
Pomeranian Pulp and Paper Mill
(Поморский ЦБК)
Paper Pomeranian logo.png
Propos Holding
(Пропос холдинг)
Unknown Propos logo.png
Rosselkhoz Baton
(Россельхоз Батон)
Farming Rosselkhoz Baton logo.png
Shipyard Livadiya
(Судостроительный завод Ливадия)
Shipyard Shipyard Livadiya logo.png
Sirin Air
(Сирин Эйр)
Airport logistics Sirin Air logo.png
Building materials SNL logo.png
Unknown Taiga logo.png
Vagonstroy Tikhvin
(Вагонстрой Тихвин)
Wagon manufacturer Vagonstroy Tikhvin logo.png
Varangian Motors
(Варяг моторс)
Engine manufacturer Varangian logo.png


Currently, 36 cities are known to be featured in the Heart of Russia DLC. The capital city of Russia is marked in bold.

City name First mentioned
Arzamas (Арзамас) 5 March 2021[3]
Bryansk (Брянск) 13 August 2021[4]
Cherepovets (Череповец) 3 November 2021[5]
Dzerzhinsk (Дзержинск) 4 October 2021[6]
Ivanovo (Иваново) 4 October 2021[6]
Kaluga (Калуга) 1.43 Open Beta
Kirishi (Кириши) 5 March 2021[3]
Kolomna (Коломна) 1.43 Open Beta
Kostroma (Кострома) 1.43 Open Beta
Kovrov (Ковров) 13 August 2021[4]
Lodeynoye Pole (Лодейное Поле) 1.43 Open Beta
Moscow (Москва) 5 March 2021[3]
Murom (Муром) 1.43 Open Beta
Nizhny Novgorod (Нижний Новгород) 4 October 2021[6]
Novomoskovsk (Новомосковск) 1.43 Open Beta
Obninsk (Обнинск) 1.43 Open Beta
Oryol (Орёл) 17 October 2021[7]
Petrozavodsk (Петрозаводск) 1.43 Open Beta
Roslavl (Рославль) 22 November 2021[8]
Ryazan (Рязань) 3 November 2021[5]
Rybinsk (Рыбинск) 4 October 2021[6]
Rzhev (Ржев) 13 August 2021[4]
Saransk (Саранск) 1.43 Open Beta
Smolensk (Смоленск) 4 October 2021[6]
Tikhvin (Тихвин) 1.43 Open Beta
Tula (Тула) 1.43 Open Beta
Tver (Тверь) 1.43 Open Beta
Velikiye Luki (Великие Луки) 1.43 Open Beta
Veliky Novgorod (Великий Новгород) 3 November 2021[5]
Vladimir (Владимр) 1.43 Open Beta
Volkhov (Волхов) 13 August 2021[4]
Vologda (Вологда) 1.43 Open Beta
Vyazma (Вязьма) 1.43 Open Beta
Vyksa (Выкса) 1.43 Open Beta
Vyshny Volochyok (Вышний Волочёк) 3 November 2021[5]
Yaroslavl (Ярославль) 1.43 Open Beta




The Steam header of Heart of Russia between January 17, 2022 and February 25, 2022.
  • On January 17, 2022, the Steam header for the Heart of Russia Steam Store page was updated, which included a truck, the MAN TGX EfficientLine 3, and the background was changed from the countryside to Moscow. On February 25, 2022, the Steam header for the Heart of Russia Steam Store page was downgraded back to its first appearance, the Russian countryside.
  • If and when the DLC is released, it will contain the game's new northernmost city (Petrozavodsk) and easternmost city (Saransk).

Release History

SCS Software first hinted about the DLC in blog post about celebrating the 8th Anniversary of Euro Truck Simulator 2 posted on 19 October 2020. After that, SCS released information about the DLC in their blog:

  • 30 May 2024: Some cities of Russia were accidentally mentioned in the job market in the Renault Trucks E-Tech T release trailer, indicating that Heart of Russia has not been purged. A day later on May 31, 2024, the video was reuploaded, removing the unreleased Russian cities.
  • 29 June 2022: The 1.45 Open Beta is released, which updated the file that includes the cities and roads of the DLC.
  • 30 May 2022: SCS posts a blog post about Heart of Russia's current situation with the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.[9]
  • 20 April 2022: The 1.44 Open Beta is released, revealing some off-limits roads of the DLC.
  • 14 March 2022: In an interview for the Czech gaming website Vortex, SCS Software PR and Marketing Manager Daniel Němec and the CEO Pavel Šebor announces the indefinite postponement of the DLC due to the Russo-Ukrainian War.[10] [11]
  • 25 February 2022: The header for "Heart of Russia" Steam Store page has downgraded back to its first appearance, the Russian countryside.
  • 8 February 2022: First blog post about gameplay video.[12]
  • 26 January 2022: Blog post about entrance monuments and region signs.[13]
  • 17 January 2022: The Steam header for the Heart of Russia Steam Store page is updated, which now includes a truck, the MAN TGX EfficientLine 3, and the background has been changed from the countryside to Moscow.
  • 15 January 2022: Blog post about wagon factory.[14]
  • 7 January 2022: Blog post about road network.[15]
  • 29 December 2021: Blog post about the city of Ryazan.[16]
  • 22 December 2021: Second blog post about industrial areas.[17]
  • 17 December 2021: Blog post about forests and logging.[18]
  • 16 December 2021: In the SCS Christmas Stream, the team reveals new screenshots of Heart of Russia, including several screenshots making reference to the Slavic folklore figure Baba Yaga.[19]
  • 2 December 2021: First blog post about industrial areas.[20]
  • 22 November 2021: Blog post about monuments.[8]
  • 12 November 2021: The 1.43 Open Beta for Euro Truck Simulator 2 is released.[21] During the subsequent days, members of the community examine the game files and discover mileage_targets.sii, which contains names of many cities in the game, including 35 new cities in Russia.[22] [23]
  • 3 November 2021: Blog post about water bodies.[5]
  • 17 October 2021: Blog post about food mill industry.[7]
  • 4 October 2021: Blog post about churches.[6]
  • 10 September 2021: Blog post about villages.[24]
  • 13 August 2021: Blog post about new landmarks.[4]
  • 22 June 2021: Blog post about nature.[25]
  • 5 March 2021: First official blog post revealing the name of the expansion with more new screenshots[3] and added to Steam Store.[26]
  • 21 December 2020: In the SCS Christmas Stream, the team reveals more screenshots of the next map expansion after Iberia.[27] Members of the community identify one of the screenshots, a intersection which is part of the Moscow ring road.[28]
  • 19 October 2020: SCS makes a blog post celebrating and thanking the community for the 8th Anniversary of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and as a reward, SCS teases the first screenshots in pre-alpha stages of the next map expansion after Iberia.[29] Members of the community identify the screenshots' locations as being near the Russian town of Poshekhonye.[30]


SCS Blog

SCS Steam Developer page

SCS Instagram account


  1. Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Heart of Russia Steam store page, accessed 2022-07-11
  2. SCS Software, Heart of Russia DLC Statement, 2022-05-30 (accessed 2022-05-30)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 SCS Software, Heart of Russia, 2021-03-05 (accessed 2021-03-05)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 SCS Software, Guess where we are? Heart of Russia Edition!, 2021-08-13 (accessed 2021-08-13)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 SCS Software, Heart of Russia - Water Bodies, 2021-11-03 (accessed 2021-11-03)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 SCS Software, Heart of Russia - Churches, 2021-10-04 (accessed 2021-10-04)
  7. 7.0 7.1 SCS Software, Heart of Russia: Food Mill Industry, 2021-10-17 (accessed 2021-10-17)
  8. 8.0 8.1 SCS Software, Heart of Russia - Monuments, 2021-11-22 (accessed 2021-11-22)
  9. SCS Software, Heart of Russia DLC Statement, 2022-05-30 (accessed 2022-05-30)
  10. Heart of Russia pro Euro Truck Simulator 2 teď nevyjde, 2022-03-14 (accessed 2022-03-14)
  11. Vortex #204 | Dojmy ze Steam Decku, esport v Excelu, Xbox v Japonsku a rozhovor o Ukrajině s SCS, 2022-03-14 (accessed 2022-03-14)
  12. SCS Software, Heart of Russia - Gameplay Video #1, 2022-02-08 (accessed 2022-02-08)
  13. SCS Software, Heart of Russia - Entrance Monuments and Region Signs, 2022-01-26 (accessed 2022-01-26)
  14. SCS Software, Heart of Russia - Wagon Factory, 2022-01-15 (accessed 2022-01-15)
  15. SCS Software, Heart of Russia - Road Network, 2022-01-07 (accessed 2022-01-07)
  16. SCS Software, Heart of Russia: Ryazan, 2021-12-29 (accessed 2021-12-29)
  17. SCS Software, Heart of Russia - Industrial Areas #2, 2021-12-22 (accessed 2021-12-22)
  18. SCS Software, Heart of Russia - Forests and Logging, 2021-12-17 (accessed 2021-12-17)
  19. The SCS Software Christmas Stream Special 🎅, 2021-12-16 (accessed 2021-12-16)
  20. SCS Software, Heart of Russia - Industrial Areas, 2021-12-02 (accessed 2021-12-02)
  21. SCS Software, ETS2 1.43 Update Open Beta, 2021-11-12 (accessed 2021-11-16)
  22. SCS Software, SCS Forum, 2021-11-15 (accessed 2021-11-16)
  23. SCS Software, SCS Forum, 2021-11-16 (accessed 2021-11-16)
  24. SCS Software, Heart of Russia - Villages, 2021-09-10 (accessed 2021-09-10)
  25. SCS Software, Heart of Russia: Nature, 2021-06-22 (accessed 2021-06-22)
  26. Euro Truck Simulator 2: Heart of Russia in Steam Store, 2021-03-05 (accessed 2021-03-05)
  27. Christmas 2020 Special Stream Recordings, 2020-12-21 (accessed 2020-12-21)
  28. SCS Software, SCS Forum, 2020-12-21 (accessed 2020-12-21)
  29. SCS Software, 8 years on the roads of Euro Truck Simulator 2, 2020-10-19 (accessed 2020-10-19)
  30. SCS Software, SCS Forum, 2020-10-20 (accessed 2020-10-20)