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In Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator, the term damage refers to the physical harm absorbed by the player's truck, trailer, or the cargo they are hauling. Damage is typically a result of traffic accidents or strong impacts with obstacles.


Damage is not visually simulated in the truck. It is simulated mechanically in 5 parts of the player's truck: engine, transmission, chassis, cabin, and wheels. The engine, transmission and wheels will accumulate damage gradually with more distance driven, even if the player has not had any accidents since the last time they repaired their vehicle. Damage to the chassis and cabin is a result of traffic accidents and impacts with obstacles, although the other parts will also absorb damage upon such events. This happens because the parts wear down in use, so regular maintenance is recommended even if you drive safely. It can be fixed by visiting a Service Shop, for a fee that will depend on the variety and percentage of damage. Repair prices range anywhere from €1 to €95,000 and tend to cost around €625 (£500) for each 1% of damage.

For the trailer, damage is simulated in 3 parts: body, chassis, and wheels. Only the wheels can accumulate damage with longer driven distance.

The player can choose to call Emergency (via GPS - F7) at any point of the game, even while hauling a delivery. The emergency can transport the truck and cargo to the nearest city's Service Shop. This is useful in case of an unrecoverable crash, critical / total damage percentage reached - or simply if the truck ran out of fuel. Emergency transportation will have a cost that will vary according to the distance to the nearest Service Shop. This transportation will also take time - this means that if the player is hauling a cargo delivery, they will now have less time to deliver it. If the player is hauling external contract cargo, the cargo will be abandoned there and then, and you cannot recover it.


  • Engine and gearbox damage affect truck performance as less power can be utilized with greater damage and certain gears may stop working.
    • Increased engine damage also adds a chance of having an engine malfunction - which will cause failures in the truck's battery and engine, and eventually, turn it off permanently if a critical damage percentage is reached.
  • Chassis affects truck suspension, making it more liable to tip during hard turns.
  • The cabin houses the truck electrics, and increased damage leads to electrical failures in the truck.
  • Tires affect traction and handling. The more tire damage is accumulated, the worse the handling becomes in wet weather and/or loose surfaces, such as gravel.


According to the game files, the amount of damage absorbed by the player's truck or trailer is directly proportional to the square of the impact speed. This is because the truck or trailer loses all the kinetic energy it carries upon colliding with an object, and kinetic energy is calculated from the formula Ek = 1/2mv2.

Release History

  • In update 1.49 for ETS2 and update 1.49 for ATS, the damage system will be categorized into three types of damage; Damage, Parts Wear and Permanent Wear. With the improved damage system comes enhanced control over vehicle maintenance. You can now make informed choices about which parts to repair or replace based on your judgment. Alternatively, you have the option to seek professional advice for the best repair strategy for your truck or trailer.