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Hello! I can be seen driving around ATS and ETS 2 as Aquatic Sparrow or Linac (depending on when i decide to change my in game display name).

Aquatic Sparrow at the Arizona Racetrack on ATS trying to assist a stuck player but failed
Aquatic Sparrow on ETS 2 taking part in a Truck Sim Radio Convoy. Not only did AQ get lost, but trolls & idiots caused the convoy to end

Q & A

  1. Can i add you on steam? Yes you may. However, you cannot be on the trolls or idiots who cause trouble for other players. If you can't play the game right and obey the rules, it's not worth my time.
  2. Do you livestream? No. Mainly because of my network. It lags often.
  3. Do you lag in game? Yes. It's because of my downgraded network speed and my entire family doing stuff like watching tv or youtube videos. Even though my in game ping is generally btwn 50ms and 200ms, i do freeze up everytime a player comes within range causing me to be "Frozen In Place".
  4. Are you with any VTC's? On ETS 2, nope. On ATS, i'm with Canadian Truckers.

My Gallery

Trucks going about through a city on ATS
This is why FOTR started. Because many trolls and idiots can't drive and thus end up in photos and videos
Lots of trucks at a New England rest stop

Fails Of The Road

Fails Of The Road or FOTR is my videos series for multiplayer. Anytime a player fails at driving, i try to record it so that the whole world can get a good laugh.

File:ETS2, Fails Of The Road 7 PT 1, AquaticSparrow
Fails Of The Road 7 Part 1 [ETS 2]
File:ETS2, Fails Of The Road 7 Pt 2, AquaticSparrow
Fails Of The Road 7 Part 2 [ETS 2]
Fails Of The Road 9 In HD [ETS 2]
File:Fails Of The Road 11 on ETS 2
Fails Of The Road 11 [ETS 2]
File:ATS, Fails Of The Road 13 Pt 1, AquaticSparrow
Fails Of The Road 13 Part 1 [ATS]
File:ATS, Fails Of The Road 13 Pt 2, AquaticSparrow
Fails Of The Road 13 Part 2 [ATS]
Fails Of The Road 17 [ATS]