Template:Infobox location/doc

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This template serves as a base template for locations, including cities, countries, landmarks, etc.


The template supports the following parameters.

Common parameters

  • title: The name of the location. Default is the page name.
  • type: Mandatory. Specifies the type of location. Common values include "City", "Country", "Landmark", "Port", etc.
    • "City" should be reserved for labelled cities featured in the game.
    • "Town" means settlements featured in the game (e.g. with landmarks visible) but unlabeled or unsigned.
    • "Port" or "Seaport" means cities or towns with ferry facilities.
    • Use "Country" for European countries. For the United Kingdom, "Country" can still be used for its four constituent countries.
    • Use "State" for USA constituent states.
  • icon: A clipart representing the location. For countries or states, this should be the flag or the coat of arms.
  • image: An image representing the location. Alternatively, editors may utilize the <gallery> tag and include several important pictures. This is useful if an editor decides to include a map alongside with a representative photo, or to include screen captures from two different games.
  • imagecaption: Caption to describe the image.
    Note: Editors may omit imagecaption if the <gallery> tag is used for the image parameter.
  • accessible: Whether the location is accessible in the games featuring them. Default is "Yes" (for all games).
    • For accessible but unnamed settlements, specify "Yes (Unlabelled)".
  • game: Game(s) featuring the location. Default is "Euro Truck Simulator 2".
  • connections: Mandatory. List all external road, ferry or rail connections.
    • Use <br> tags to separate connections of different directions.
    • Destinations of the same route in opposite directions may be put in the same row. (e.g. in Birmingham, one can specify "M6 to London or Liverpool")
    • For countries, list as many featured motorways / expressways as possible, but only external minor roads or ferry connections (e.g. in United Kingdom, list all Mx roads as well as the likes of A1, but lesser A roads like A27 or A68 can be omitted).
    • The author of this template thinks listing connections is more useful than listing neighbouring countries, because some countries border each other but have no connections, e.g. Luxembourg and Germany in ETS2.
  • aka: The name of the location in other languages.
    • In principle, locations' names should follow the language of the country they are in. In case alternative names are used for some different languages, include the name if:
      1. The language is from a country featured in the same game, or
      2. The language is from a country close to the location.

Parameters for "Country" type locations

  • cities / noofcities: Use for "Country" type locations. Only need to use one of them.
    • cities: List the accessible cities if there are just a few accessible cities. Useful for small countries.
    • noofcities: Count of accessible cities for large countries like Germany.
  • Speed limit parameters only need to be filled for "Country" type locations. The three parameters specify the general speed limit for trucks within the country.
    • mspeedlimit: Speed limit on motorways or most double-carriageways.
    • rspeedlimit: Speed limit on rural roads, usually single-carriageways outside urban area.
    • uspeedlimit: Speed limit in urban areas.

Parameters for "City" or "Port" type locations

  • suburbs: Suburbs associated with the city, if any.
  • companies: Use for "City" type locations. Logistic companies with depots in the game.
    • Mines, logging camps, container ports and marinas in or near the city also count, as long as jobs to and from these facilities specify the city.
    • Truck dealers should be put under the truckdealer parameter, even though they accept the "truck" cargo.
  • truckdealer: Truck dealer available in the city, if any.
  • features: Other features like garages, gas stations, hotels etc.

Parameters for "Town" or "Landmark" type locations

  • nearestcity: The nearest accessible city of the town or landmark. Try use a city from the same country, unless the place is Liechtenstein.


(Coming soon)