Phoenix (company)

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For the city in Arizona, see Phoenix.

Phoenix is a gas station company in American Truck Simulator that operates in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Washington.


State City Location
Flag of Arkansas.png Arkansas Jonesboro Along Nettleton Ave AR463 south of IS555 exit 40
Flag of California.png California Indio Along Dillon Rd north of IS10 exit 146 in Coachella
Flag of Colorado.png Colorado Burlington Along US385 south of IS70 exit 437
Lamar Along US50 US287
Pueblo At IS25 US85 US87 exit 104 on the north side of the city
Flag of Idaho.png Idaho Idaho Falls South of IS15 exit 113
Flag of Kansas.png Kansas Topeka Along Lower Silver Snake Rd east of US75 on the north side of the city
Flag of Montana.png Montana Billings North of IS90 US212 exit 495 east of the city
Flag of Nebraska.png Nebraska Omaha Along 144th St NE50 south of IS80 exit 440 on the southwest side of the city
Sidney South of IS80 exit 59 on the south side of the city
Flag of Nevada.png Nevada Las Vegas At the intersection of IS15 US93 north of the city
Flag of Oklahoma.png Oklahoma Enid North of US64 US412 on the east side of the city
Flag of Texas.png Texas Dallas East of IS45 exit 272 in Hutchinson
Fort Stockton At IS10 US67 US385 exit 261 on the east side of the city
Fort Worth West of IS35 exit 471 in Denton
Flag of Utah 2024 small.png Utah Cedar City Along UT130 south of IS15 exit 62 on the north side of the city
Flag of Washington.png Washington Tacoma At IS5 exit 136

  • Diesel
  • Gasoline
  • Propane


  • Phoenix is possibly inspired by the company Love's, as its in-game locations correspond to Love's locations in real-life, and its previous branding as Heart's heavily resembles the logo of Love's.

Release History

  • Phoenix originally debuted as Heart's.
  • In update 1.45, Heart's was rebranded to its current form.
  • In update 1.51, Phoenix became a deliverable company after several Gallon Oil and Vortex unloading points were transferred to Phoenix's ownership.
  • In update 1.53, Phoenix became a part of the base game with new locations being added to California.

See also