Czech Republic

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 Note: This page contains only information about Czech Republic in Euro Truck Simulator 2!

The Czech Republic (Czech: Česká republika), or alternatively Czechia (Czech: Česko), is a landlocked country in Central Europe featured in Euro Truck Simulator 2.


The Czech Republic is bordered by Austria to the south, Germany to the west, Poland to the northeast, and Slovakia to the east. All these countries except Slovakia are featured in Euro Truck Simulator as well, with Slovakia added in the Euro Truck Simulator 2 base game. Along with Poland and Slovakia, the Czech Republic receives an expansion in the first ETS2 map DLC: Going East!.

A country famous for its beer and automotive industry covers 78,866 square km. Prague, which is the capital city, is one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. The Czechs have 54,997 km of paved roads, 1,234 km of which are motorways and expressways.
~ Official Euro Truck Simulator 2 Website


  • It is mandatory to have headlights turned on at all times when driving in the Czech Republic and those caught not using them will receive a fine.


The capital, Praha, is the only Czech city featured in Euro Truck Simulator. Brno joined Praha in Euro Truck Simulator 2, and the Going East! DLC further introduced Ostrava.

Base game

Brno Praha (capital)
Brno View.png Praha View.png

Going East!

Ostrava entrance.png


Highways in the Czech Republic used to be divided into two groups: Dálnice and Rychlostní silnice. The Rychlostní silnice designation was abolished at the end of 2015, and the signs for the two Rychlostní silnice in the game were updated half a year later. ETS2 now features seven Dálnice.

The icon for D4 also appears in the game, but it's for the same-numbered Slovak Diaľnica. The corresponding Czech Dálnice was still a Rychlostní silnice when the game was released, and was not featured in the game. However, after road icons were updated on the world map, this icon was rendered obsolete and is no longer present in-game, although its files still remain.

D0 D1 D2 D5 D8
Czech D0 icon.png
Praha ring
Czech D1 icon.png
Czech D2 icon.png
Czech D5 icon.png
Praha – Nürnberg
Czech D8 icon.png
Praha – Dresden
D10 D11 D35 D48
Czech D10 icon.png
Praha Scout factory access
Czech D11 icon.png
Praha east
Czech D35 icon.png
D1 – Olomouc
Czech D48 icon.png
Ostrava – Katowice

The Czech Republic also uses the Class I. road designation (Czech: silnice I. třídy), intended for long-distance roads which facilitate interstate and cross-border traffic. ETS2 has 9 Czech Class I. roads marked in-game, all of which are minor roads which generally carry truckers from the country's core to one of the neighboring nations.

I/3 I/6 I/10 I/14 I/27
Czech I3 icon.png
Czech I6 icon.png
Praha – Frankfurt am Main
Czech I10 icon.png
Praha – Wrocław
Czech I14 icon.png
Brno – Wrocław
Czech I27 icon.png
I/33 I/35 I/43 I/52
Czech I33 icon.png
Praha – Wrocław
Czech I35 icon.png
Brno north – Slovak D1
Czech I43 icon.png
Brno north
Czech I52 icon.png
Brno – Wien

In-game, there are six Class-A and three Class-B Euroroutes (Czech: Evropská silnice) which run through the Czech Republic. The E48, although being present in the game files, is not currently signed on the world map or in-game.

E48 E50 E53 E55 E65
Czech E48 icon.png
Germany (B303) – Praha
Czech E50 icon.png
Germany (A6) – D1
Czech E53 icon.png
D5 – Germany (B11)
Czech E55 icon.png
Germany (A17) – Austria (B310)
Czech E65 icon.png
Poland (DK3) – Slovakia (D2)
E67 E442 E461 E462
Czech E67 icon.png
Poland (DK8) – Praha
Czech E442 icon.png
I/43 – Slovakia
Czech E461 icon.png
I/35 – Austria (A5)
Czech E462 icon.png
Brno – Poland (DK1)


  • The Czech Republic is the country where the developer of ETS2 and ATS (i.e. SCS Software) is located.



See also